rantandresolve.com - Rant and Resolve Podcast

Description: Rant and Resolve podcast where our guest business owners and industry professionals can discuss common rants and help us as consumers and buyers understand better. Fun, Funny, Informative, and Educational for both sellers and buyers.

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Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs The ones who Sell Stuff Business Owners get a ton of complaints and try to explain how things work in their industry and why their industry does things a certain way. Some make sense and some don't - Hear what they have to say you may just learn something.

Industry Professionals, Service Workers (Anyone with a Job) Are you a manager, server, or work in a retail store? We want to hear from you! You deal with customers every day with the same problems - tell us them so we can share your knowledge and help make your job a better experience.

Consumers.  The ones who Buy stuff  (All of Us) You spend the money! We want to hear from you. Great Business Owners and Industry leaders listen to you. Not only do our businesses get to rant - we want to hear from you! Your voice only helps businesses create better buying experiences. Tell Us How We Can Help You!