randomolio.com - random olio | olio n. (OH-lee-oh): a miscellaneous mixture; a hodgepodge

Description: olio n. (OH-lee-oh): a miscellaneous mixture; a hodgepodge

Example domain paragraphs

I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been busy. 2019 has been a big year for me full of change, growth, and taking risks. I started the year out by having eye surgery in January. I was extremely nearsighted and finally found out I was a candidate for PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy). It has a longer recovery time than Lasik, but the benefits far outweigh the downsides to recovery. And now – I have 20/20 vision. It is crazy being able to see in the middle of the night without glasses, to be able to waterski an

I continued on my personal journey and received my certification as a Life Coach. I was certified in September and now have a 6 week coaching program where I help you know what you want, believe you can get it, and achieve what you never thought was possible. This program has literally re-wired my brain, changed how I show up, and I am now doing things I never thought possible. Becoming a certified coach is now  another item on my list for the best things I have ever done.

2019 has been the year I took risks and changed my life. What changes do you want to make in your life? What feels impossible to you?