randomjane.com - Random Jane | Here there be tumbleweeds

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So hey, thanks to A I finally got my hands on the October/November issue of Asimov’s , which just happens to have my story “Where the Time Goes” in it. Very exciting!

In other news, I didn’t hit my writing goal for August — only 12.5 hours instead of 30. Yipes. September was headed the same way, but I’ve gotten back to work in the mornings, and given that I have a few handy deadlines this month (the kind that involve another people) I’ll probably make it. Or at least get closer than August.

I’m making the transition from Go! Go! Write-a-thon! back to regular old writing-in-the-morning, and I have to admit I’ve been a bit of a slacker — adding up the 20- and 30-minute scraps, I’ve got 2 hours in for August so far, mostly because the Snooze button and I have gotten reacquainted. This morning was better than yesterday, and I expect tomorrow will be better still.

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