rancholosmochos.org - Rancho Los Mochos | GGAC – Scout Campsite of the Golden Gate Area Council-BSA

Description: Rancho Los Mochos is a Nationally Accredited BSA Scout Camp owned and operated by the San Francisco Bay Area Council. Los Mochos is located 18 miles south of the Northern California town of Livermore, 40 miles East of San Francisco. The 686 acre property was donated to the Oakland Area Council in June 1944 by the Automotive Machinists Union No. 1546, International Association of Machinists.

oac (23) #051 (15) #021 (8) sfbac (7) #028 (7) oakland area council (6) san francisco council (6) achewon nimat (4) royaneh (4) machek (4)

Example domain paragraphs

Right in your Backyard…come for a visit

Wolf Bear Weekend, Cub Camping Connection (by invitation), Pack Campouts

Troop Campouts, District Camporees, NYLT, Shooting Sports Days,

Links to rancholosmochos.org (4)