ramsheadpress.com - RamsHead Press - Books by Author and Researcher, Dr. Philip Moore

Description: RamsHead Press features books by author and researcher, Dr. Philip Moore, containing info about Israel, history, religion, conspiracies, and other controversial topics.

books (16650) author (9423) history (7346) religion (3062) israel (2292) researcher (467) conspiracies (40) philip moore (2) ramshead press (1)

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We offer 3 hot books by Dr. Philip Moore, which include (1) End of History - Messiah Conspiracy, (2) What if Hitler Won The War and (3) Nightmare of the Apocalypse. Two pamphlets are also available.

Contact: Rams Head Press

Dr. Philip Moore was a researcher for Hal Lindsey and is internationally recognized as one of the leading researchers in prophecy as it relates to ancient and modern Jewish history. Also available at Amazon.com or BarnesandNobel.com

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