ralphshaw.ca - Ralph Shaw | King of the Ukulele

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Welcome to my website. I’ve been an entertainer all my working life for all kinds of audiences. And the common thread through it all has been the presence of a ukulele (or three!) This instrument brings together so many people in ways that nothing else can.

I adopted the ironic self-title “King of the Ukulele” in 1997 when the ukulele was a more-or-less unknown instrument for most people. It helped my career by delivering bookings and media attention. But now that ukulele is a household word and everyone knows someone who plays one, the title “King of the Ukulele” is all but meaningless. However it sounds less dull than words like ”Entertainer” or “ Musician” so for now I’m leaving it for the time being…

I look forward to entertaining you one day and meantime I hope my DVDs, CDs and Books help you along your own musical path.

Links to ralphshaw.ca (2)