raisingroberts.com - Raising Roberts - Everyday life as a large family of 9

Description: Everyday life as a large family of 9

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Hi there! Long time, no see! It’s been over a year since my last blog post. When I logged back on to start typing up this blog post, there were so many new updates to WordPress- I had to completely relearn how to use it. Even though it’s been a learning curve, I am really enjoying the updates. It actually has me considering getting back into blogging a bit.

Anyway, for now I’m sharing about our recent Staycation we had in St. Louis. Full disclosure- We partnered with Explore St. Louis for this staycation. Though it was not a sponsored trip (I did not get paid to share about our staycation,) we were hosted- which just means that we did not pay for it. We are so very grateful for this opportunity! My whole family had the best time!

We were very excited to be staying downtown in the Hyatt Regency. We had three adjoining rooms. The hotel itself was beautiful and such a great place to stay. However, the view was definitely the highlight. We had the perfect view of the Arch right out our window. We enjoyed spending time in our rooms in our downtime. I actually wish we would have had more time to just hang out and relax in our rooms!

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