rainbowcorner.co.nz - Rainbow Corner

Description: It's hard being a caregiver for someone who struggles with addiction, an illness, or another issue. That's why it's easy to want to help them in any way you can…

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It’s hard being a caregiver for someone who struggles with addiction, an illness, or another issue. That’s why it’s easy to want to help them in any way you can, and you should. But there’s a fine line between helping and enabling. 

The latter can do more harm than good by making it harder for your loved one to face their problems and find solutions independently. Be it with those you care for, such as family, friends, or Melbourne escorts , enabling is not good. 

Enabling is when you help your loved one with a problem instead of helping them face it. It can be hard to know when you’re enabling, but there are some signs. Like if a person has a drinking problem and they ask you for money to buy a bottle and you give it without question, this is enabling and won’t help them get better.

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