qums.org.au - Queensland University Musical Society | TidyHQ

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QUMS rehearses at the University of Queensland (UQ) St Lucia Campus, on  Wednesday nights from 7.00 PM to 9.30 PM  with a break in the middle. Rehearsals for Semester 1 2023 will be held in the Parnell Building lecture theatre, 07-234.    

Our first major concert for the year, Bona Fide! will be held on Saturday May 27th, featuring music from the cult classic movie  O Brother, Where Art Thou. In second semester (late October) we'll perform Haydn's  Creation , with a mid-year workshop focused just on the choruses.  Between, before and after our major concerts, we will compete at Eisteddfod over Easter, sing Christmas carols throughout December, get away for a weekend of rehearsal camp, enjoy a post-rehearsal coffee each week, make new friends 

Singing since 1912!

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