quantum-teachings.com - Quantum Teachings – ❀ Ease and Grace Embodied ~ ✿

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Someone asked me if I thought I had spiritually achieved the “stage” I want to be at. But I wouldn’t call this “spiritual”, because ultimately, everything is spiritual and nothing is. To me it is a matter of Consciousness, Awareness, it is about of how deep you can be Relaxed and Aware in your Reality.

Allow me to review the following statement: Once the chakras are activated, they receive messages from invisible beings. When we receive a message, it becomes a mission. Well… I’ve read that type of sentences before. And once the sun becomes purple, it will send out rays of jello. When the…

True safety isn’t about putting white light all around you, doing rituals to protect yourself from bad energy, or whatever makyo is associated with “being safe” in the spiritual community. True Safety is Absolute Compassion. True Compassion, is Allowing all things to be as they are, without trying to change…