qualitstorytelling.com - QualiT – Natural Story Teller

Description: About QualiT is a blog for people to find refuge through my creative writing and short stories. I discuss my mental health in hopes to inspire others to keep fighting. I create in hopes that it helps someone feel less alone. I use this platform to motivate others who feel voiceless. Peace BeWith You Join the…

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Natural Story Teller

QualiT is a blog for people to find refuge through my creative writing and short stories. I discuss my mental health in hopes to inspire others to keep fighting. I create in hopes that it helps someone feel less alone. I use this platform to motivate others who feel voiceless.

An honest question I have for my doctors, that they can’t answer is ‘when will I feel like me again?’ In April of last year I had major surgery, if you haven’t read about it check out Having Surgery During Covid 19, and have been recovering since. Recovery typically takes 6-8 weeks so why is…