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Description: 南宫国际【信誉|大平台】是一家极富专业精神的第三方汽车供应链综合服务供应商。客服电话:+86 23 8879 5600 成立于2001年8月。2006年2月公司在香港联交所创业板上市,并于2013年7月成功由创业板转主板交易,主板股票代码为01292,南宫国际主要股东为中国长安汽车集团股份有限公司、民生实业(集团)有限公司、新加坡美集物流有限公司。目前,公司总资产42亿元,员工9000余人,2015年实现营业收入61亿元。

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Collegium is pleased to announce that LoBue & Majdalany Association Management (L&M), based in San Francisco, has been combined with SBI Association Management (SBI), headquartered in Seattle.  Both firms are full-service association management companies and accredited by the AMC Institute and owned by Collegium,  a privately held parent company which includes a collection of services firms exclusively serving the nonprofit sector.  

At launch, SBI President Alope Pardee said “We are thrilled by this opportunity to expand our reach and welcome the L&M team and clients to SBI. The additional executive expertise and experience that this consolidation brings will only amplify our impact.” The consolidation is expected to add 4 nonprofit association clients to the 23 regional, national and international associations that SBI currently serves.

L&M President & CEO Michael LoBue, CAE, will transition to a new role with Collegium, while Michael Majdalany, CAE, Vice President& COO of L&M will become the Managing Director of the SBI San Francisco office. Majdalany said, “Joining SBI will enable us to expand both the depth and breadth of the services we bring to our clients, while delivering the same personalized attention and association expertise L&M is known for.”

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