qmra.eu - Quality Mark Responsible Affiliates (QMRA) – Quality Mark Responsible Affiliates

Description: Quality Mark Responsible Affiliates International Become a member Members of QMRA Quality Mark Responsible Affiliates (QMRA) Europe Download the code Members of QMRA Proven concept The QMRA Organization also successfully launched a Quality Mark in the Netherlands: 100+ affiliates, 10+ operators. Thorough Compliance Checks The QMRA

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Quality Mark Responsible Affiliates (QMRA) is an initiative that has been set up after a successful launch of a Quality Mark (Keurmerk Verantwoorde Affiliates, in short: ‘KVA’) for the Dutch iGaming market: kva.nl . A short summary of the developments regarding KVA:

The above was sufficient reason to set up a Quality Mark for the United Kingdom, with a similar construction. Why the choice for the United Kingdom? Many connections have already been made within the UK from KVA. QMRA was therefore a logical next step. Also, XY Legal Solutions ( xyls.nl ), the mother company of KVA and QMRA; has extensive knowledge regarding UK Online Gambling laws and regulations.

The QMRA Organization also successfully launched a Quality Mark in the Netherlands: 45+ affiliates, 5+ operators.

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