putschk.net - Jordi Puig

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Sony was looking for a way to use its high-speed vision sensors, capable of tracking moving objects at 1,000 frames per second, to craft a brand-new, revolutionary user experience. That was the core vision behind the A(i)R Hockey project. What the showcase designers wanted to do, then, was not to explain how the technology works—they wanted to create an entertainment experience that would let users play their way to an intuitive, visceral understanding of the innovation.

With Sony’s high-speed vision sensors tracking the virtual pucks zooming across the playing surface and the unique predictive algorithms enabling responsive trajectory mapping, the engineers knew that they could keep the projections of all the moving pieces in perfect sync. Sony’s haptics technology, capable of applying tactile sensations to the interface, could imbue the virtual pucks with a realistic “touch” and take the AR experience to a whole new level. The technological components were all in place—it