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“I just rode a bobsled over a mile in 57 seconds. Twice. I pulled 5Gs and my head was crushed to my legs. Twice. I hit speeds upwards of 70mp/h. Twice. And tomorrow I’m going to do it again. Faster. I’m hooked on bobsled and I love what I do, who I do it with, and how I feel when I race down the ice. Leaving high school, moving to Utah, being away from my family for HALF the year… And only being sixteen. It’s all worth it.” — November 3, 2011

Koloa Wolfgramm might be considered a normal 16 year old teenager. He likes competitive sports, has played high school basketball, and has enjoyed scout trips to climb mountains. But most teenagers have not overcome tremendous obstacles or had miracle after miracle to be able to do these things. Koloa has now taken on another big challenge: He has joined and is asking for your support of the US Adaptive Paralympic Bobsled Team. Like many on the team, Koloa and his family have an incredible story of courage,

At at 4, Koloa  had chemo therapy for one year and wonderful care at CHOC, Children’s Hospital in Orange. Koloa had Ewing’s Sarcoma, bone cancer…