purring.info - Purring.org – devoted to felid purring

Description: This site is devoted to felid purring, i.e. the continuous egressive–ingressive sound produced by most of the different species of cat.

cats (3125) cheetah (78) serval (25) guepard (5) ronronner (4) purring (3) felids (3) schnurren der katzen (1) purring cats (1) genetta tigrina (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Purring.org Devoted to felid purring Robert Eklund, PhD, MA, BA http://roberteklund.info Updated: 28 April 2019 This site aims at summarizing what is currently known about (mostly) felid purring, i.e. the “trademark” sound produced by most species of cats, only excluding four or five of the biggest cats, the so-called “roaring” cats (lion, tiger, jaguar and leopard). Purring.org is maintained by the (computational) linguist/phonetician/speech technologist/acoustician/musician (etc) Robert Eklund and informa

    Figure 1 from the Fonetik 2013 paper. Adult male cheetah Mufasa purring; Egressive and ingressive phases.

Film clip corresponding to Figure 1 . The film clip shows egressive (breathing out) and ingressive (breathing in) purring phases produced by the male adult cheetah Mufasa. The voice-over during the first two phases is Robert Eklund saying out aloud the words “ut” (out) and “in” (in) with his hand on the cheetah’s chest in order to get an audio synchronization of egressive and ingressive breathing on the recording.