purplenet.co.uk - Purple Money – Finance and loan guide.

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When you are considering getting a loan there are a lot of questions that you need to ask yourself. Among others, thinking about whether you will get overwhelmed is really important.

There are several things that could make you feel stressed when you have a loan. You could feel that just having a debt hanging over you is enough to make you feel stressed. You may feel that the repayments get too much or that if there are financial problems in the future you may not be able to pay anything back at all.

The stress of owing money is very real. Unfortunately there are some situations where it would be extremely difficult to achieve something unless you borrowed. Examples of this are home ownership, where most people will get a mortgage to pay for it and university education where most will get a student loan or career development loan. Without borrowing money the person may be held back in their life. However, it is very hard to change how you feel. If you have been in trouble with debts before or have just

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