purecommunity.co - Pure Community | Making finance a force for good

Description: Pure Community is an impact giving initiative, created and operated by mortgage + loan advisory and certified B Corp, Pure Finance.

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When working in the finance sector and helping people to grow wealth, it can be easy to forget about the people in the world who go without. As a business, Pure Finance has donated thousands of dollars over the years to charities and people in need, but felt it was time to take our philanthropy to the next level. Which is why we created 'Pure Community', our industry first, profit for purpose, community engagement program. Let\u2019s be honest, giving feels good, and so our aim is to encourage giving by set

Almost 1 in 3 Indigenous Australians aged 15 and over have experienced homelessness at some time in their life, around ten times the rate of other Australians. For many of those that are homed, overcrowded dwellings remains a significant issue, and, in 2018 half of all Indigenous Australians living in remote areas, and more than 30% of those in major cities were living in homes with major structural problems.

While the Federal Government’s commitment of $100 million for remoting housing over the coming years will deliver some urgently needed resources, these are limited to remote communities in the NT. Unfortunately, this is a nationwide issue.

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