- Protective makua (parents) deserve due process & equal protection.

Description: We are protective makua (parents) of Hawaiʻi, makua who fight for our right to equal protection and due process. We seek to put an end to the legal promotion of "toxic fatherhood" and to reform policy to be truly in the best interest of the child.

Example domain paragraphs

A dangerous precedent for the nation brewing in Waukesha, WI: Julie Valadez won 4 appeals and still the Waukesha family court refuses to return her children who it unlawfully placed with their domestic abuser, Ricardo Valadez, even though Julie and her kids are undisputed victims of his domestic abuse.

In the current family court system, when a protective parent reports incest or abuse, perpetrators use the junk science of parental alienation in order to “rebut” reports of domestic violence or incest. By doing so, perpetrators initiate a discriminatory procedure that results in the removal of the protective parent’s custody rights for reporting these crimes. In the vast majority of cases, the protective parents are mothers. Meier (2020) .

Because of parental alienation junk science, third-party investigators (1) presume that the protective parent is lying or “coaching” the child to lie; (2) blame the protective parent for not complying with the duty to uphold “frequent, meaningful, or continuing contact;” and thus, (3) establish, without due process, that the protective parent has failed to act “in the best interest of the child.”