- Programming4Humanists – Center of Digital Humanities Research

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Programming4Humanists provides courses designed to introduce participants to methodologies, coding, and programming languages associated with the Digital Humanities. We focus on creation, editing, and searchability of digital archives, but also introduce students to data mining and statistical analysis.  

Our forte at Texas A&M University (TAMU) is Optical Character Recognition of early modern texts, a skill we learned in completing the Early Modern OCR Project, or eMOP . Another strength that the Center of Digital Humanities Research (CoDHR) ( ) at TAMU brings to this set of courses is the Texas A&M University Press book series called Coding for Humanists .  We use draft and final versions of these books, as well as many additional resources available on companion web pages, for partic

Those who should attend include faculty, staff, librarians, undergraduates, and graduate students, anyone interested in acquiring skills for work in digital humanities and cultural analytics. Generally, the Fall semester of P4H is for anyone interested in making archival and cultural materials available to a wide audience while encoding them digitally according to best practices, standards that will allow them to submit their digital editions for peer review by organizations such as the MLA Committee for Sc