- Executive and professional recruitment | Profound Talent

Description: We have over 25-plus years of experience working in Executive and Professional Recruitment, Coaching and facilitating Career Transitions.

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As a woman-owned & minority represented business, we are proud to bring awareness & to celebrate our diverse human population in honour of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). While this month is designated International Pride month, we don’t stop there! We live & breathe EDI in our business, recruitment practices and collaboration with our Employers, Career Seekers & Business Partnerships year-round. Be Proud! Be You!

Talent is today’s most sought-after commodity and your most valuable asset. We’re your trusted ally in today’s inevitable tussle for talent. Attract top performers ready to take on tomorrow with our Power of One ™ plan.

Growth brings change. When you’re faced with a tough decision to transition an employee out of a role, our sensitive, caring approach offers practical support as they shift into a better-fitting role.