- Professional Society of Academics

Example domain paragraphs

You are invited to explore alternative higher education models. The professional and co-operative models I am developing treat academics as entrepreneurs, not institutional employees. These alternatives are original and do not rely on the increased use of technology, public funding or venture capitalism; while they offer the possibility of sustainable, high quality, affordable, accessible, and equitable academic service. Consider the Professional Model:

As an ideology, socialism emphasizes central principles and values with which PSA is constructed : democracy, freedom, equality, solidarity, honesty, openness, responsibility, self-help and caring for others. This socialist ethos acts as a spigot that regulates analysis, evaluation and creation of relations between the productive forces of labor and the means of production. Though in considering these relations it is common to focus on the manufacture of objects, socialism applies to all products of labor,

Within this institutional model, it is complicated to claim that some of this labor is of greater value than others. For instance, there is plenty of criticism about the monetary value placed on HEI presidents . But not only does this miss the true social tragedies of the HEI model, it ignores the fact that for a university or college it would be challenging to sell chicken without a Colonel Sanders . Less metaphorically, consider the staff that cleans and maintains the washroom facilities on campuses – ima