- Probe and Ponder…learning from life & travels with Roberta Sawatzky – Probe and Ponder…life is not a spectator sport, it’s to be

Description: Probe and is not a spectator sport, it’s to be experienced.

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Probe and Ponder…life is not a spectator sport, it’s to be experienced.

Summer has officially begun! Honestly, it feels like summer began mid-May when I flew away to Spain and I’ve been waiting for the rest of the world to catch up with me! 

Summer always speaks to me of slowing down, experiencing getaways and travel, adventure, lazy afternoon’s sipping wine on a patio or local winery while gazing over vistas boasting breath taking views of lakes and vineyards, long bike rides, leisurely walks ( that always end at a cafe ), and taking time to simply reflect on life.

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