- The Prize of the High Calling

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The Prize of the High Calling

You should know before you read one more word that I’m one of the most critical skeptics you’ll ever meet. I believe almost nothing at face value and must run questionable material through a battery of litmus tests and micro-filters before I even begin to consider its validity. Neither do I run with the pack on any issue whatsoever for the sake of running with the pack. Even if I have to stand all alone and look like an utter idiot all by myself. (Not fun by any means and never what I prefer, but I’ll do th

That said, I have learned in all my years that every human on Earth is brainwashed about something — be it slight or be it staggering — because we are all susceptible to deception. And if you’re, like, oh, 99.9% of the media-governed world population, you are (or have been) brainwashed at a staggering level and don’t even know it. Moreover, when it starts in the cradle, you most likely ain’t got a lick of a chance until something big hits at a later time.