- | equipping & discipling

Description: a partnership to equip, serve, disciple, and pray.

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JV is a part of a movement of God among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society. There are 32.5 million young people in this region with less than 1% who have a personal relationship with Jesus. And, more than likely, they are first-generation Christians due to the effects socialism & communism had on their families - former generations.

I believe God commands us all to love Him and love others. And calls us to make disciples look to Jesus as our example. To help me serve, equip and empower our staff and make disciples on your behalf, will you join me through your prayers, encouragements, and financial support? Continue below for more details on how you can partner with my ministry through Josiah Venture. 

I began serving with Josiah Venture in 2003. During my first short-term trip in the summer of 2001, I fell in love with Slovakia, its culture, and people. I left corporate America to work with Slovakia's local churches and youth. During those first 10 years, working alongside our leadership team, we developed a model youth ministry and were involved in several ongoing evangelistic movements throughout the country. I also served on JV's member care team by providing support and communication resources for ou