- – Prague cyber security conference 2024

Example domain paragraphs

3 November 2022

The aim of the Prague Cyber Security Conference is to look ahead and discuss regulatory, strategic and policy implications of supply chains and their impact on security of critical technologies and infrastructure in the context of national security . The intent of the conference is to foster security-oriented discussion about supply chains and data security as a fundamental prerequisite for far reaching societal, economic and national security developments in the future . At the same time, the objective is

In this context, we invite you to visit the Prague 5G Repository, a virtual library dedicated to the exchange of concrete existing tools, measures and instruments that States have developed to tackle the challenges connected with 5G and the next-generation networks challenges. You can find there, among others, also the Prague Proposals, outcomes of the previous iterations of the Prague 5G Security Conference.  The Repository is only available to the community of the Prague 5G Security Conference.