powershelladmin.com - Main Page - Svendsen Tech

Description: Welcome to the Svendsen Tech Wiki Replica - made to allow the former 'wiki blog' to persist in some form.

Example domain paragraphs

NB. Note made 2021-10-13: This web site was moved to a new web server from a MediaWiki instance I parsed the markdown of and implemented as HTML/PHP. Scraped my own site for images, recreated links, etc. There could still be some bugs.

I have changed since I started to work on this web site. Too much for words to convey easily.

All code on this site is licensed under the MIT license, unless otherwise stated. This means "as is" and no warranties. There is Google Analytics and Google Ads on the web pages, which may use cookies. You implicitly accept these cookies by visiting and continuing to use the site (minimum cookies is the default). The text itself is licensed under a creative commons attribution share-alike license. Under no circumstance can Svendsen Tech be held responsible for anything that might occur as a result (direct o

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