- Welcome to the Post Aporkalypse

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A few years back my fellow Porktober planners and I decided this year's Porktober theme would be the Aporkalypse. Little did we know how timely the theme would be: COVID-19, social justice issues, a country divided more than ever before, an election year, California and the rest of the west coast on fire like never before...

We cannot safely have a Porktober porkluck in the backyard this year, but we do still want to celebrate with you all in some way. We are taking the month of October to raise money for a charity since 2020 has been especially difficult for a lot of people. On November 1st we will pick a random name from the donor list and that person will be contacted to select one of the prizes below (prizes do not come out of donated funds).

Local to SF Bay Area : $100 gift card to Fatted Calf Outside of SF Bay Area : 3 months of Zingerman's Bacon Club Vegetarian Option : $100 gift card to Food52