positivemoney.org.nz - Campaign to Reform Money and Banking in New Zealand - Positive Money NZ

Description: We're an independent non-profit advocating for monetary reform, part of a global movement campaigning for a better system that serves society

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Positive Money NZ is committed to campaigning for a better monetary system, one that works for the economy and all of the people, not just a few.

This electronic money is created out of thin air (ʻex nihilo’) — merely by making accounting entries in the books of banks. The banks then lend it to you and me and charge us interest on money they never had. Nice business.

It means banks have an incentive to ʻsell’ as much debt as they can — more than the economy actually needs. This leads to excessive debt, overpriced housing, stressed families and an economy that isn’t working for many people.

Links to positivemoney.org.nz (2)