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 My latest article for the Korea Times looks at New York City artist Gregory de la Haba’s art, and his connection to the NYC landmark McSorley's Old Ale House , ahead of his exhibition opening at Hangaram Art Museum in the Seoul Arts Center (as part of the annual Design Art Fair) this weekend. The exhibition will run from May 27 to June 4, and the artist will be present during the afternoon on the opening day.

The CIA Freedom of Information Act Reading Room hosts a great many FOIA CIA documents from over the decades. Some are released in their entirety, though most have sections censored. I've discovered a number of articles during the past week or two, but have likely only scratched the surface (one problem, and the reason for the use of 'likely,' is the fact that you can't easily search by the year a document was produced, only by the years they were declassified or released, which forces you to wade through a

On May 9, 1980, the CIA issued an Alert Memorandum for the National Security Council titled " Growing Unrest in South Korea and Prospects for Takeover by Military Strongman Chon Doo Hwan ." Though it was published before the report above, it contains much more recent information about student protests and opposition moves. As the report notes,