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Davpack has introduced quite a few new polythene packaging products this year, including some extra sizes of medium and heavy duty clear polythene bags. What might have slipped under the radar, though, is that we also brought in a range of anti static poly bags and layflat tubing .

If you don’t remember your GCSE Physics, static electricity is an imbalance of electrical charges within or on the surface of a material – where it stays until it is moved by an electrical current or an electrical discharge. Incidentally, I don’t remember my GCSE Physics, so thanks to the ever reliable(ish) Wiki for that last bit.

We’ve all experienced it one way or another, for example by rubbing a balloon against your hair, thus creating a negative charge which allows you to ‘stick’ the balloon to a wall. Or maybe by getting a minor but unexpected shock just by touching an object. I have a great pair of shoes with which, if I subtly drag them across the floor and then shake someone by the hand, I can give them a shock as well. It causes me no end of amusement.