polsci.com - Polsci.com / Unlost World Reborn | Jared DuBois | Substack

Description: Politics, Religion, Sociology, Futurism. Click to read Polsci.com / Unlost World Reborn, by Jared DuBois, a Substack publication. Launched 3 years ago.

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     "One could be cynical and say all of this was inevitable, that the greater power and wealth a country has concentrated all in one place inevitably leads to greater corruption because that becomes its heart and soul, the target for controlling the rest of the body, for it is the government which makes the rules which determine who gets rich and who does not, who keeps their wealth and who must give some of it up for the common good of others. But when the government has to live in a community of nations

.... how we came to this crisis, the real crisis which our media ignores in favor the the crisis' de jour which are given to us daily to keep us occupied, distracted, and fearful of tackling the real problem. That being that our political system has evolved through corruption beyond the publics ability to greatly influence it at all in any significant way both to its own and to our own peril.  

"You and I must make a pact,  we must bring salvation back and when you call me, I'll be there