polisticks.co.uk - UK politics starring stick people

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The one true constant of this government is that Chris Grayling is world-beating at failure . The anti-King Midas. Everything he touches becomes an insolvent disaster area. It’s really quite a remarkable skill. This week he was back on top form — losing his latest job before he even started . Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings had tried to parachute him into a position as Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee, where he could be trusted to keep hiding the Russia report. At the last moment, fellow

The Committee, now under Julian Lewis, unanimously voted to release the Russia report Boris Johnson’s been hiding from the public since October. This prompted the government to hurriedly release a statement admitting they are ‘almost certain’ Russia tried to interfere with the 2019 election. Given the implications, one might question why they didn’t tell us this earlier.

In other news, Cruella Patel has been failing with numbers again — for someone so very keen to keep foreigners out, she apparently doesn’t have any updated figures on the estimated numbers of people entering the country with coronavirus since March.