pokrova-allentown.org - We Welcome You! | Saint Mary "Pokrova" Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral

Description: Saint Mary "Pokrova" Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA located in Allentown, PA

saint mary (15)

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The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA offers healing, comfort, wholeness, spiritual fulfillment, and joy as her members work together to reveal the beauty of God's creation by proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We embrace everyone who hungers for love, comfort, fulfillment, and hope.

Do you love God and desire a deeper union in Him through Christ?  Are you moved by the beauty of traditional architecture, iconography, and liturgy?  Do you love to experience warm, family-friendly fellowship, to hear good music and Christ-centered preaching, to participate in enriching adult education and to offer the same to your children?  If so, then "Come and See" us!  We are a parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA under the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and our doors and hearts a

Links to pokrova-allentown.org (1)