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Astrology is a vast subject with many viewpoints, systems and methods used to learn it. It’s thousands of years old dating back to early Mesopotamia (1950-1651 BC). To most beginners, it’s overwhelming just looking at a natal chart. We all go through that initial info-shock, only to soon be deeply absorbed into its mysteries and intricacies. Though many people have profoundly different perspectives on it’s accuracy and usefulness, what it does certainly do, is help us to learn about the archetypes ingrained

Presently, we live in a world full of tough challenges that seem never ending. With the current state of world affairs, we are facing difficult times in our lives, communities and politically. People become ever more divided as the crisis of information grows and serves to separate us, not only from each other, but worst of all, ourselves. This makes it tough to navigate the world when you don’t know who or what to trust, nor how to move forward.  With astrology, you can begin to have deep self awareness th

As you grow in your self-knowledge you will have opportunities to share with others and help them to change too. Sometimes just being who we are can be enough to inspire and empower others. You become a beacon of light and hope that life can be different. It might sound a little amazing that astrology can do all of that, but if you study with a sincere heart, and truly want to get to know yourself through the lens of astrology, you will be profoundly amazed at how accurate it can be. And the more you know y

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