- Plot Twisters · <!-- -->Personal storytelling as play

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We are a collective of researchers, designers, and technologists developing Plot Twisters, a digital game world to empower people to reflect on their self-narratives and advocate for their needs. Complete with journaling minigames, communication tools, and identity-building resources, Plot Twisters will be a dedicated online space for people to practice healthy self-awareness habits and manage their values, individually or with other players.

Over the last two years, we have been creating case studies and prototype projects about self-reflection, personal narrative building, and the critical thinking and expression of emotions and needs. Our research database of 520+ artifacts , which we endearingly call our Think Tank, serves as an annotated bibliography of the following topics:

We're also developing methods for role model discovery, iterating on conflict resolution toolkits, and mentoring each other as we explore our strengths and values, in career and life. If you are interested seeing our prototypes, please contact us for a 1:1 walkthrough.

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