- COCO + Places 2017 | ICCV 2017

Example domain paragraphs

The goal of the joint COCO and Places Challenge is to study object recognition in the context of scene understanding.

COCO is an image dataset designed to spur object detection research with a focus on detecting objects in context. The annotations include pixel-level segmentation of object belonging to 80 categories, keypoint annotations for person instances, stuff segmentations for 91 categories, and five image captions per image. The specific tracks in the COCO 2017 Challenges are (1) object detection with bounding boxes and segmentation masks, (2) joint detection and person keypoint estimation, and (3) stuff segmentatio

The COCO 2017 Detection Challenge is designed to push the state of the art in object detection forward. Teams are encouraged to compete in either (or both) of two object detection challenges: using bounding box output or object segmentation output. For full details of this task please see the COCO Detection Challenge page.

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