pixformance.se - Startpage - Pixformance Sports GmbH

Description: Digital Fitness Devices From Pixformance: For Physiotherapy Practices, Rehabilitation Centers, Clinics, Companies and Entrepreneurs

Example domain paragraphs

Our mission is to empower health and fitness professionals to unlock their economic and professional potential through the best technology for digital motion analysis. \n This is where our digital and fully connected sports and therapy solution comes in. A virtual personal trainer or virtual therapist, as well as a real-time correction on the screen, make training at the Pixformance Station particularly safe and effective. Training with our digital fitness device offers many advantages, both for you, your c

This is where our dig­i­tal and ful­ly con­nect­ed sports and ther­a­py solu­tion comes in. A vir­tu­al per­son­al train­er or vir­tu­al ther­a­pist, as well as a real-time cor­rec­tion on the screen, make train­ing at the Pix­for­mance Sta­tion par­tic­u­lar­ly safe and effec­tive. Train­ing with our dig­i­tal fit­ness device offers many advan­tages, both for you, your com­pa­ny and your employ­ees as well as for the user himself.

» The patients are enthu­si­as­tic and very moti­vat­ed, which admit­ted­ly is not often the case. Of course, we as ther­a­pists also ben­e­fit from this, as the patients per­form their exer­cis­es bet­ter and more pur­pose­ful­ly. In addi­tion, we save time because, after only 30 min­utes of instruc­tion, the patients can train inde­pen­dent­ly under supervision. «