pixelgrill.com - Connor's Blog - Believer, Thinker, Tester

Description: Believer, Thinker, Tester

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Good testing is hard.  It’s a deep intellectual endeavor that requires critical thinking, and among other things, time.  However, the good news for testers is, you always have enough time. Wait… does this sound contrary to reality? Where you think you found the issue, but there’s something deeper going on that you simply don’t have →

Abstract: Process frameworks are all the rage; some sold as magic pill, a silver-bullet to solve your organization’s problems toward achieving rapid delivery. They all have pros and cons, so I won’t spend time on belaboring what’s already widely discussed out there. Instead, I wanted to share my thoughts about the vicious cycle they can →

Abstract: The job of the influencer or coach/mentor in a software team, regardless of title (Manager, Director, Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Tech Lead, etc) isn’t to evangelize best practices and beat people over the head with manifestos. Rather, the job of any professional in an Agile environment is delivery enablement, which I define as enhancing/optimizing →