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Spending time with my two kids at a various social events like birthdays, picnics and similar get-togethers got me thinking about how will the gap between our generations look like. What music will they listen to to annoy us if our music will be “in trend”? Or as Gill Sutherland asked herself in  I want my kids to rebel : “[…] am I leaving my own dear children no room to rebel”? Continue reading →

In his post Apps and the Apple TV David Barnard ( @drbarnard ) wrote that “direct manipulation of objects on a touch screen device is a fundamental change in human-computer interaction and is undoubtedly the future of most, if not all, consumer computing devices. The age of the mouse is ending, but the implications are still unclear to most.” And as much as I can agree that multitouch screen is having a great impact on our interaction with computers, I cannot agree that the best solution is to replace the m

Naporni trije dnevi so za mano, saj se je na odru Convention Theatre Centra v Long Beachu v zadnjih 72 urah zvrstilo vsaj sto(!) predavateljev in nastopajočih . Jutri je zadnji dan. Letošnji TED bomo zaključili okoli treh popoldan, tako da bom imel zvečer vsaj malo časa, da vtise preteklih dni tudi zapišem. Preden pa se spravim spat, še vesela novica: Nathalie Merchant se po – mislim, da sedmih letih – vrača z novim solo albumom Leave Your Sleep . Continue reading →