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This blog has tended toward dormancy over the last year because I've been pouring all my energy into a new project, the Rascal . It's a small computer aimed at artists and scientists who want to add web interfaces to their projects. It similar to the Arduino , but much more powerful.

Recently, I've been alternating between working on the Rascal and various renewable energy engineering projects with Matt Dorson at Mystic River Engineering . In April, the first batch of Rascal beta units arrived from an assembler in China; I've sold 4 of them to various adventurous friends of mine for hardware testing. In the immediate future (May, June), I'm working on a project at MIT with Matt, but on the side, I'm selling more Rascals and gathering results from hardware testing. Depending on the resul

Last Thursday, I went to the Open Hardware Summit in Queens, NY. The Summit had a lot going for it-- people from all of the major open hardware players were there ( Arduino , Adafruit , Sparkfun , Bug Labs , and Beagleboard , to name a few), and it took place at the New York Hall of Science , a cool science museum right next to Flushing Meadows with its enormous, awesome Unisphere .