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Search Menu How Often Should I Go to the Dentist? Search Search for: Close search Close Menu How Often Should I Go to the Dentist? How Often Should I Go to the Dentist? Are you one of those people who only visits the dentist when there’s a problem? Or do you faithfully schedule your bi-annual checkups? It can be confusing to know how often you should be visiting the dentist, but fear not! In this post, we’re going to break down all of the factors that go into determining how often y

It is important to visit the dentist regularly in order to maintain good oral health. The frequency of dental visits may vary depending on the individual’s needs, but most experts recommend at least twice a year.

During a regular dental visit, the teeth and gums will be examined for any signs of problems. If any problems are found, they can be treated early, before they become more serious. Regular dental visits also give the dentist a chance to assess your overall oral health and make recommendations for how to improve it.