piemontehomedesign.com - Piemonte Home Design – Piemonte Home Design

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Eccellenze Piemontesi Uno stile fatto di cura del dettaglio, artigianalità, rispetto del territorio e attenzione alla sostenibilità, riassunto nel claim Italian Style, made with care. Italian style, made with care Italian style, made with care Italian style, made with care Italian style, made with care Italian style, made with care Italian style, made with care Italian style, made with care Italian style, made with care Il progetto di business development che aiuta le aziende piemontesi del Sistema Casa ad

Piemonte Home Design: an innovative housing solution for you.

We created an innovative and modular housing solution in which indoor spaces are designed as interchangeable plug-ins. Modules can be reconfigured in a variety of ways and combined with a system of flexible compartments and decorations, offering easy flexibility in home environment design.