piedmontoutdoorsguide.org - Loudoun 2040: More of the Same or a New Path Forward? - The Piedmont Environmental Council

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Gem Bingol, PEC’s Loudoun field representative, delivered the following message at more than ten community meetings across Loudoun County held during February & March 2019. This blog post was developed from her presentation slides and notes:

Hello and welcome. The Piedmont Environmental Council is a 47-year old land use policy and conservation organization. We work in nine Virginia Piedmont counties, with staff on the ground in each one. We believe in the Piedmont’s people and places, and in the power of community partnerships and citizen involvement to ensure better local decision-making. This involvement is critical to maintaining the health, safety and welfare of residents today and into the future.

And we know that if you don’t show up and stand up for what you care about, than it doesn’t really matter that you care.