- Remnantology | Dedicated to the examination of the remnants. Phil Levy's words in reference to history, archaeology, Judaism, ac

Description: Dedicated to the examination of the remnants. Phil Levy's words in reference to history, archaeology, Judaism, academe, music, outdoorsing...

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Dedicated to the examination of the remnants. Phil Levy's words in reference to history, archaeology, Judaism, academe, music, outdoorsing…

I think the main thing this engaging first book does is explore the putatively irrational side of historical preservation and museum creation. We take for granted that there is something sane and logical in a desire to preserve past things. But if you tug a bit, the mask slips and something less narrowly rational comes into focus. In her dissertation, Pirok looked at how hauntings were foundational to elite Virginians’ creating their past, and as a consequence, were also central to the historical preservati

Clayton Richards is a graduating MA student at the University of South Florida with interest in American history, particularly American expansion and imperialism.