- Peter Quigley

Example domain paragraphs

Litigiven produces tools to support plaintiffs and improve access to the litigation process. I lead the user experience team at Litigiven to design tools that use artificial intelligence to reduce overhead on document preparation, streamline case research, and ease pain points in the client intake stream.

I oversee a small team of three designers. One of my first initiatives with Litigiven was to introduce agile task tracking from waterfall (we triage out design stories twice weekly, and I oversee design review at least once weekly). My focuses have been growing the design team and advocating for UX design (Litigiven is early-stage and lacks the design maturity of a later startup), as well as establishing sustainable design artifacts (reusable components, airtight typographical hierarchy, and a style guide).

Human-centered design was a new concept to this organization. I ran user interviews and testing with attorneys, law students and plaintiffs to generate feedback and feature requests that shaped product direction through our first rounds of iteration.