- Peterborough Local History Society

Description: Discover more about the history of the city and surrounding areas…

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Peterborough Local History Society was formed in 1991 by a group of individuals who believed that the city needed an association where people could come together to share and enjoy the history of this area. Since then we have grown to a Society with around 75 members who meet once every month. Some of our members are researchers, delving into specific avenues of history; some are authors of local books; whilst the majority just want to come along and learn from our various speakers.

Our next meeting will take place on Thursday 11th May at 7.30 pm, at St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, Ledbury Road, Netherton, Peterborough PE3 9RF. Topic- The Story of the Hedda Stone, by Dr Jackie Hall and Teresa Porciani Teresa is in the final year of her PhD (University of Leicester) on figural sculpture dated 700-850. […]

On a light spring evening in April, the Monthly meeting of the Peterborough Local History Society was very well attended with several new members and visitors. The evening’s speaker was Dr Hilary Dawson. Dr Dawson is the secretary and magazine editor of St Mary’s Parochial Church Council. Her subject was the history of the St […]