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Example domain paragraphs

The Domino Effect describes how changes to one behavior can cause a shift in related behaviors. For example, if someone begins exercising more regularly and reducing their sedentary leisure time, they may also start to eat better. These behavioral changes can have a chain reaction that results in positive outcomes. This concept is used in many ways, from personal change to organizational improvement. In business, the Domino Effect is often referred to as momentum and can lead to success or failure.

A domino is a small rectangular piece of wood or plastic, with a number of dots or spots resembling those on dice. It is normally twice as long as it is wide. Depending on the game, it may feature either one or both ends showing a value. Each end of a domino is referred to as an “open” end, and additional tiles are normally only placed against open ends. A domino with a value on both ends is considered to be a double, and the values of the two exposed sides are added together to determine a score.