- Perth Migraine Specialist | Dr. Julian Rodrigues | Headache Expert

Description: Perth Migraine Specialist - Headache clinic led by neurologist, Dr Julian Rodrigues. Situated within Hollywood Consulting Centre in Nedlands.

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We offer evidence-based treatment led by neurologist, Dr Julian Rodrigues.

Migraine is the most common disabling headache syndrome. It affects about 15% of the population and the majority of sufferers are aged 30-50. Twice as many women than men are affected. Migraine is not ‘just a headache’, it typically also causes other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound. Temporary neurological dysfunction can also occur, ranging from visual loss, numbness, difficulty speaking and thinking, profound dizziness and in rare cases, even paralysis.

The symptoms and severity of migraines can vary between individuals and episodes. Besides severe headache pain, migraines may be accompanied by secondary symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light, sound or smell. They can be aggravated by physical activity. Migraines may sometimes be associated with poor balance. These symptoms help to distinguish a migraine from other headaches such as tension headache.

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