- A Note from Peoples Climate Movement - Peoples Climate Movement

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The Peoples Climate Movement grew out of the historic NYC Peoples Climate March in September 2014. Under the banner of To Change Everything, It Takes Everyone , the march was the largest and most diverse climate mobilization on record. In the subsequent five years, PCM has mobilized across the country in small towns and big cities alike. From Anchorage to Miami, Portland to LA, we took to the streets to Resist. Build. Rise. and to Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice .

In total, PCM has moved nearly one million people into action. We’ve built a broader climate movement of environmental justice groups, people of faith, labor unions, immigrants, communities of color, and young people all aligned to advance a climate action platform rooted in economic and racial justice. We’ve also helped states make significant policy gains and laid the groundwork for the Green New Deal.

The global pandemic poses unique challenges and raises real questions about how and when PCM can mobilize in the future. While we continue to believe that broad-based mass mobilizations are essential to moving decision-makers to act on climate change, we are suspending our efforts in order for our partners to focus on addressing the current crisis and in the hope that someday soon we can once again march with you side by side.

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